Crib Mattress and Toddler Bed - 100% Breathable Proven to Reduce Suffocation Risk, 100% Washable, 2-Stage, Non-Toxic Better Than Organic, Removable Cover - Deluxe 5.5" Thick- White

Crib Mattress and Toddler Bed - 100% Breathable Proven to Reduce Suffocation Risk, 100% Washable, 2-Stage, Non-Toxic Better Than Organic, Removable Cover - Deluxe 5.5" Thick- White

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Was purchased as a gift for second grandchild. Son and DIL have one for their first child and LOVE that it is breathable, washable and non-toxic. The first mattress …now 2 years old…looks great and is comfortable for the toddler. They didn’t want any other mattress for baby #2.


My daughter ended up using this for two years. It never sagged or got an indentation. It was so easy to clean and air dry. I only stopped using it when my daughter got too tall for a crib and I got her a twin bed.

Another bonus - since this is such a high quality mattress, you can sell it when you're done. I sold mine at a local consignment sale for $50 after two years of use - so happy I got this and if I had another baby I'd buy a new one to bring them home from the hospital to.

I never put any sheet or anything on it. I highly recommend HALO sleep sacks for babies and toddlers. No need for any sheets or blankets on the bed.


When my daughter was around 6 months old and learned to roll over, my husband and I were scared half to death to frequently find her face down, hands cupping her cheeks, during her naps. We would immediately turn her head to the side and a couple times she gasped for air when we did. Some people tried to assure me that, once babies can roll over, there's nothing to worry about when they sleep since they'll automatically turn their heads when they need air. However, after looking into it, I found research that babies who are used to sleeping on their backs, once they finally roll over and sleep on their stomachs for the first time, have a 20% or so higher chance of suffocating than infants who sleep on their stomachs from birth, because they aren't used to it and sometimes don't rouse themselves in time.

We weren't able to sleep without constantly checking on her. I researched options and found the Newton breathable crib mattress. After reading everything on their website, I decided it was the one. It doesn't off-gas, it doesn't have chemicals, it's mostly air. We ordered it on Prime instead of from their website directly to get faster shipping. Once it arrived my husband and I, like others here, tested it by pressing our faces down against it and trying to breathe - it is a bit stuffy, of course, but you can breathe. And it doesn't smell like anything. No need to air it out before baby uses it.

It is more firm than our "firm" crib mattress we were using previously. Our daughter doesn't leave any indent in it at all. It looks incredibly easy to clean; just use some cold water. It's some kind of polymer in a 3-D web. The cover is padded but has holes and layers so that it doesn't block air. Don't put any sheet or water-proof cover on this mattress, as that would block the air. It really doesn't need those things, since even if pee leaked or spit up got on it you just wash it off. It has nothing that could get moldy like other mattresses.

Of course, we don't want to teach our daughter that it's okay to sleep with her face down, so if we find her like that, we do turn her head. But now we aren't constantly worried about her suffocating if we happen to not notice her being face down. For peace of mind, I highly recommend this mattress. We're going to move our daughter back to her original mattress once she's a toddler and save this one for when we have the next baby.
We were initially hesitant due to the price point but are 100% happy with the purchase. The mattress truly is such better quality than some in comparison and it has worth amazing. Love the breathability and how our little one seems to sleep so well on it. 100% worth the splurge.
LONG but honest & non sponsored review!!

I was nervous about spending so much on a mattress especially when the videos I was watching on TikTok were all from people that are sponsored by newton. My 9 month old has been bed sharing with us since she was born & as safe as we are.. it has ALWAYS freaked me out.. but I’m a breastfeeding mama & my daughter feeds often in the middle of the night or she’ll wake up & cry for hours. SO we had to do what was best for us at the time! As she’s gotten bigger, our bed seems to have gotten smaller lol I knew that I needed to make a change but wasn’t ready to put her in her own crib in her room, & bassinets didn’t work because she wasn’t touching me & would again, wake up. We decided to do a car side crib but she’s sleeping face down a lot & I have to turn her over constantly. I wanted something I could breathe straight through & not wake up every 5 seconds to check on her. I did a ton of research & everything kept leading me back to this mattress so I went for it & booooooy am I SO GLAD I DID!!! The hype is V E R Y real!!! I’m so pleased with it & think it’s worth every single penny. It’s super easy to clean too!! I also highly recommend newton sheets


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